7 research outputs found

    Evolutionary algorithms and other metaheuristics in water resources: Current status, research challenges and future directions

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    Abstract not availableH.R. Maier, Z. Kapelan, Kasprzyk, J. Kollat, L.S. Matott, M.C. Cunha, G.C. Dandy, M.S. Gibbs, E. Keedwell, A. Marchi, A. Ostfeld, D. Savic, D.P. Solomatine, J.A. Vrugt, A.C. Zecchin, B.S. Minsker, E.J. Barbour, G. Kuczera, F. Pasha, A. Castelletti, M. Giuliani, P.M. Ree

    Upscaling models of solute transport in porous media through genetic programming

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    10.2166/hydro.2007.028Journal of Hydroinformatics94251-26

    Evolutionary algorithms and other metaheuristics in water resources: Current status, research challenges and future directions

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